Me and the Squatch Detective

I had the pleasure of meeting Steve Kulls (aka The Squatch Detective) at the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo this fall where he was presenting his methods of looking for physical evidence of sasquatch. By trade, Steve is a private investigator but his interest in “relic hominoids” (yes, this is a thing) has led him to become an author, public speaker, podcaster, TV personality, and authority on Sasquatch—and debunker of hoaxes and questionable evidence. More importantly for me, Steve is an animal lover and was really interested in reading this curious book by a veterinarian exploring the world of crypto-veterinary medicine.

Next thing I know, I'm scheduled to be live webcasting with Steve and his fellow researcher Chris Bennett of Kentucky. Check it out and all of Steve's work. He's a hard-working investigator and a real character.

Here’s a link to the show.


Word Up in Barrie, Ontario


Award Finalist: Global Book Awards